V3A Business Solution Private Limited


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V3A Business Solution Private Limited is a private company that was incorporated on 11 August 2016 under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The registered address is in West Delhi, India. The paid up and authorized capital of the company is Rs 100000. The company’s directors are Abhishek Kumar and Alok Ranjan. The registered office is located in the state of Delhi, India. It provides a complete range of business services to the corporate world.

The company was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Delhi, India. It is a Non-govt firm and was incorporated as a Private Limited Company. The company is currently a reputed IT solutions provider. In 2016, the company was incorporated in New Delhi. The legal status of the company is “Unlisted Private Limited” and the registered office is “V3A Business Solution Private Limited.” It has two directors and is a Non-govt organization.

The company is a Private, non-govt entity and was incorporated in New Delhi on 11 August 2016. It is classified as a Non-govt, Non-profit organization and has a paid up capital of Rs. 100,000. Its registered office is in Delhi. There are two directors appointed by the company, and they are both directors. The other one is a non-executive director. The other two are appointed and decision makers.

The company is a Non-govt and Private company. The registered office of V3a Business Solution Private Limited is 593 Khasra No. 126 Village Nangloi Jat, New Delhi, India. The authorized and paid up capital of the company is Rs. 100,000. The Company has no directors/partners and is currently in an Active Status. It has no stock exchange listing. The companies in this category are classified as ‘Unlisted’.

The company is a Non-govt, unlisted, Private, and non-profit. The registered office is in New Delhi. The V3A Business Solution Private Limited has 2 directors. They have a paid up capital of Rs. 100,000. Its financial statements reflect its assets and liabilities as well as its profits. In addition, the company has a rated AA+ in the BBB. While the BBB rating is not sufficient to determine the company’s success, it does indicate that it is a good indicator for its future growth.

Incorporated in New Delhi on 11 August 2016, V3A Business Solution Private Limited is a Non-govt, Private, and Unlisted company. Its registered office is in New Delhi, India. The company is classified as a non-govt and carries out various business activities. There are 2 directors, and they are the decision makers and appointed directors of the company. The shareholders of V3A Business Solution Private Limited are responsible for the company’s success.

The company is a Non-govt, Private, and Non-govt Company. It is based in North West Delhi and has an address at 593 KHASRA NO. 126, NEW DELHI. The company’s registration number is U74999DL2016PTC304315. Its main business activity code is 74999. It is a fully-registered, NON-govt, and NGO.

V3A Business Solution Private Limited is a non-govt, Non-government, and Non-govt company. Its registered office is located at 593 KHASRA NO. 126, NEW DELHI, IN110041. Its main business activity is Business n.e.c. and has 2 appointed directors. It is a Private, NON-govt, and Unlisted company.

The registered office of V3A Business Solution Private Limited is located at 593 Khasra No. 126, New Delhi, India. Its capital is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ROC Industrial Classification Code. Its official registered address is located at a different location from the other two. In addition to the name, the company’s PSC is divided into two parts: the Paid Up Share Capital and the Authorised Share Capital.

ROC-Delhi is an office under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. It is a Non-govt company and deals with the Companies Act. Its major job is to register companies under the relevant act. This means that you need to register a company under the relevant act. In order to start a business, you need to obtain a PSC. An ROC office is responsible for granting the necessary licenses to the company.

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V3A Business Solution Private Limited

The company is located in Delhi, India and is 5 years and 7 months old. It has an authorized and paid-up capital of Rs 1.00 lakh. The company has 2 directors, Abhishek Kumar and Alok Ranjan. You can read their profiles in the Reviews section of this website. You can also find out the details of their financial performance. Here is some information about this company: Its annual turnover is Rs 50 million, and it employs over 500 people.

The Company Identification Number (CIN) of V3A Business Solution Private Limited is U74999DL2016PTC304315. It has an active status and is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Its status is listed as a Non-govt company. It has an active registration and ROC industrial classification code. It is headquartered in Delhi, India. The contact information of this company is available at v3abusinesssolution.com.

The company has a Registered Office in Delhi, India. Its Share Capital is Rs 100000. The Authorised Share Capital is the maximum amount that a company can issue. This amount can be increased later if required. The minimum capital for a Private Limited Company is Rs 10000. The total number of shares issued by the company is 100,000. The total amount of authorized capital of the company is Rs 150 million. The authorized share capital is the maximum amount the company can issue. The total paid up capital of the company is Rs 100000.

The company is incorporated as a Private Limited Company. Its registered office is in New Delhi, India. The MCA’s records are based on the National Industrial Classification and are not guaranteed to be accurate. The company was last filed its balance sheet and held its Annual General Meeting. Its management is composed of two directors. The firm has an average of 4,000 employees and has an annual turnover of Rs 1.6 million.

The company’s MCA record shows that it is in an active status. The MCA records are derived from the National Industrial Classification and therefore cannot be relied on for accuracy. The MCA is the regulatory body for corporate affairs in India. However, the records are not always accurate. You can consult the Registrar of Companies to ensure the accuracy of the company’s information. If you are wondering about the legal status of V3A Business Solution, you can check the company’s MCA report online.

The company’s MCA rating is AA. This means that it is in compliance with the government’s regulations. Moreover, the company is listed on the MCA’s website. In the event of a bankruptcy, it can be closed at any time. If the company closes, you can still file a complaint with the Ministry of Corporate Affair. This way, you can protect your organization’s name.

The MCA records show that V3A BUSINESS SOLUTION PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY is active. Its MCA rating is AA. The company’s name is pronounced “v3a” and has a B.A. in Mumbai, India. The company is a member of the Association of Software Professionals (ISO). The members of this association are a diverse group of IT professionals.

The Ministry of Corporate Affair issues a CIN number for each company. This number is essential to prove that an organisation is legitimate and operates according to laws. A V3A BUSINESS SOLUTION PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY has an Active Company Status and an Active Category. This means that it has been in business for a long time. It is a public organization and is registered under the Ministry of Corporate Affair.

The company is a private, non-govt, and listed entity. It is a Non-govt, non-profit, and is based in Delhi, India. Its registered capital is Rs.100000 and it has its office in the city of New Delhi, the capital of which is Rs.100. Its stock market value is $2.6 million. Its IPO is a publicly-traded company with an authorized share capital of Rs.100,000.

The V3A Business Solution Private Limited is an Indian Non-Government, Non-Profit company. It has a paid-up capital of Rs.100,000. Its Paid-up capital is Rs.10,000. It has an authorized capital of Rs.100,000. Its Paisa Capital is Rs.25,000. Its Paid-up capital is also available in the Form 104 of the IPO.

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V3A Business Solution Private Limited

V3A Business Solution Private Limited is a company registered in India with its registered office at 593 KHASRA NO. 126, VILLAGE NANGLOI JAT. Its key management personnel are Abhishek Kumar and Alok Ranjan. The company is currently active and has 2 directors. The directors of V3A Business Solution Private Limited are Alok Ranjan and Abhishek Kumar.

The total Paid Up Share Capital of V3A Business Solution Private Limited is Rs. 100,000. The Paid Up Share Capital is the amount of money received by the company from its shareholders for the shares issued to the company. Both of these figures can be found on the ROC’s position statement under the ‘Shareholder’s Fund’ Head. It is advisable to check the Paid Up Share Capital and Authorized Capacity of the company before investing in it.

The V3A Business Solution Private Limited is a private limited company registered under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India. It has 21 alpha-numeric codes. Its registration number (U74999DL2016PTC304315) indicates that it has successfully registered under the Indian laws. As per the government’s requirements, V3A Business Solution Private Limited is listed as a ‘Private’ organization under the Government of India.

The registration number of V3A Business Solution Private Limited can be obtained from its website. Its ROC reference number is U74999DL2016PTC304315, which means that it is a private limited company. The company has a total paid up capital of Rs. 1 LAC and 2 Directors/Partners. The company is active, and is an unlisted one. There is no board of directors or a shareholder.

There are no reports of fraud or misrepresentation in V3A Business Solution. Nevertheless, it’s important to understand the company’s legal status. As an unlisted private company, it is not required to register with the government. However, this does not mean it’s a scam. Its financial statements are accurate and provide a complete picture of its financial health. The information available to the public is updated on a regular basis.

The company’s CIN number is 61628361. Its Registered Address is 593 Khasra No. 126, Village Nangloi Jat, New Delhi, India. The CIN number of the company’s PSC is the same as its Paid Up Share Capital. The two numbers do not have to match in order to be legitimate. The same holds true for its other important documents. The financial reports for a V3A Business Solution private limited company are updated periodically.

The company’s Paid Up Share Capital is less than its Authorised Share Capital. The Authorised Share Capital is the amount received for each share of stock. The Paid Up Shares, or PPSP, are the remaining shares of the company. The Company’s IPO is a private limited company with a registered CIN. Its total paid-up capital is INR 10 million. In fact, it’s a profitable venture.

The company’s registered address is 593 KHASRA NO. 126 VILLAGE NANGLOI JAT NEW DELHI. Its Paid Up Capital is Rs. 3LAC. The Company’s ROC registration is a non-govt company. It has 2 Active Directors/Partners. Its ROC number is 10865. The Company was incorporated on 11 August 2016.

The company’s industry classification is “non-govt business activities” and it was registered on 11/08/2016. Its current status is ‘active’. Its name is a V3A business solution PRIVATE LIMITED. Its registration number is 8865417-R. Its address is a Delhi-based company. Its founders are the founders of the company.

The company was incorporated on 11/08/2016. It is a private limited company and is a SIC code 74999. The company’s ICIN is 304315. The NIC CODE of the company is 7659792. The registration number of the V3A Business Solution is a Non-govt organization in Delhi. There are two directors and 2 key management persons. Its financials are maintained by the companies.

The V3A Business Solution is a registered Non-govt company. It is a private limited company. It is classified as a Company limited by shares. It is a non-govt. It is a Registrar of Companies, RoC-Delhi. The registration number is 177. The company is a Limited-Ltd.A. in India. Its name is ‘V3A’.



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