What You Should Know About Woodbury Leadership Academy


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If you’re considering sending your child to Woodbury Leadership Academy, here are some facts to keep in mind. The student teacher ratio is 15 to 1, and the school’s test scores are 52.0%. There’s a n/a student suspension rate. How does this school stack up? Read on to learn more. To learn more about Woodbury Leadership Academy, check out the following article. Listed below are some facts you should know about this school.

It has a Student Teacher Ratio of 15 to 1

Woodbury Leadership Academy is an elementary school that employs 46.9 full-time teachers and has a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1. Overall, students at the school performed better than the state average on state tests. Students who achieved a high AP score could receive an advanced placement, credit, or exemption for the course. The school’s AP score is below the state average of 59%, and it is ranked within the bottom 50% of all schools in Minnesota.

The school is a nonprofit charter school that serves grades KG through 6. The school is located at 600 Weir Dr in Woodbury, MN and has a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1. Students here are expected to achieve high academic achievement, but also value personal integrity, equity, and respect for others. The student-teacher ratio at Woodbury Leadership Academy is 15 to 1. The school is located within the South Washington County School District. The average proficiency test score for students at Woodbury Leadership Academy was 52.0%, which is higher than the state average.

It has a Test Score of 52.0%

The test score for Woodbury Leadership Academy is the lowest in Minnesota, falling within the bottom half of all public schools. The school’s students are 50-54% proficient in reading and math, which is lower than the state average of 59.0%. Overall, students at Woodbury Leadership Academy performed below the state average. They are more likely to receive a passing grade if their teacher teaches the material well.

Another aspect of the school’s score is the amount of improvement students made year after year. If the difference is significant, this may indicate that some students are not receiving the proper amount of support. Another aspect of the school’s test score that might suggest under-support is the suspension rate, which shows how many students have been suspended compared to the state average. Suspension rates may mean that there is not enough time for teaching in this school.

It has a Student Suspension Rate of n/a

If a student has been suspended from school, it may be because of disciplinary reasons that are not related to academic performance. For example, a student may have been suspended during the expulsion process. The school director may also extend a suspension period to a total of 15 days. However, if the student has a history of misconduct, it is unlikely that they will be expelled. The school maintains a complete and accurate student disciplinary record for all students.

In terms of ethnic diversity, 54% of students at Woodbury Leadership Academy are minority, and 12.4% are economically disadvantaged. The school’s teacher to student ratio is 12:1, which is lower than the state average. Overall, n/a students are suspended from school. However, there are no statistics on the number of expulsions from Woodbury Leadership Academy. There is no data available for high school students.

It has a n/a Advanced Placement Course Load

The Advanced Placement Woodbury Leadership Academy (AP) program is a college-level curriculum and exam developed by the College Board in the United States and Canada. High-scoring students take the tests and earn course credit in American colleges. Woodbury students take the AP exams, which the school subsidizes. The school does not require its students to take AP exams, but students are encouraged to take them as much as possible.

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